Strengthening Our Belief In The Unseen

11 July, 2024

Series: Islaahi Majlis

Strengthening Our Belief In The Unseen
Audio Download
  • Intentions and obectives of attending the Majlis.


  • Making Muhaasabah of ourselves from week to week.


  • The greatest deception is to believe that my wealth, family and time belong to me.


  • Seek the solutions to our worldly problems, in Deen.


  • The simple formula for success is to be obedient to Allah and His Rasul ﷺ.


  • Make niyyah, make Du’aa, and formulate a plan to get my week in order as far as my Deen is concerned.


  • The sweetness of revenge is shortlived, whilst the bitterness of forgiving is also shortlived.