The Blessed Days Of Dhul Hijjah

15 June, 2023

Series: Islaahi Majlis

The Blessed Days Of Dhul Hijjah
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  • Allah is The Most High – When a person recognizes this attribute of Allah, then there will be no more worry and fear over the things of this world. The being who is The Most High is in complete control over everything in this world and every affair of a person.


  • Allah has blessed us with the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah. The A’maal carried out within these days are most beloved to Allah. These A’maal are effortless, yet the returns and rewards are very great.


  • Qurbaani, Hajj and all the other deeds that we do are types of the Dhikr of Allah. When a person carries out these deeds with this understanding, then he will do them correctly in a manner which is pleasing to Allah.