Having Conviction In Allah

27 July, 2023

Series: Islaahi Majlis

Having Conviction In Allah
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  • Performing Fajr Salaah in Jamaat is  a sign that one has the correct yaqeen.


  • The correct yaqeen should be instilled in a child from a young age. The child should be taught to ask Allah alone for his needs.


  • Wastage of food should cause a believer pain. The norm around the world, in hotels and restaurants is for food to be discarded.


  • The buffet style meal is not the Sunnah. A host should honour his guest by serving him.


  • Hazrat Sheikh Zakariyya Saheb رحمه الله reprimanded by Moulana Ilyaas Saheb رحمه الله for not tolerating the errors of a worker.


  • A short temper is generally a sign of hidden pride within a person. One with pride will always justify his anger and not take heed of his own flaws.