The Pursuit Of ‘Halaal’ Entertainment

17 August, 2023

Series: Islaahi Majlis

The Pursuit Of 'Halaal' Entertainment
Audio Download
  • We know the name of Allah, but have we truly recognised Allah? Discussing the beautiful names of Allah is one of the pathways to recognising Allah Himself.


  • Love that comes from insaan is called Ishq-e-Majaazi, which is not real. Real love is the love of Allah جل جلاله.


  • The constant pursuit of ‘Halaal’ entertainment was not the mission of the Ambiyaa عليهم السلام.  The grave danger of legalizing that which is impermissible.


  • Teaching our wives and children the stories and lives of Sahaaba رضي الله عنهم so they aspire to become like them.


  • Rectifying our wrongs and uplifting our immediate and extended families.