Give Up Your Greatness For His Greatness

20 July, 2023

Series: Islaahi Majlis

Give Up Your Greatness For His Greatness
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  • Those who do not desire position and status in this world, will be given a very lofty abode in the hereafter.


  • Acceptance comes from above (from Allah), whilst fame comes from below (from the people).


  • Going to the moon is not a sign of greatness. Greatness belongs to that Being who created the moon.


  • A beautiful explanation of the 4th Kalimah:

لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك و له الحمد يحيي و يميت بيده الخير و هو على كل شيء قدير


  • The power of Qur’aan and the incident of Hafiz Zaamin Shaheed Sb and the jinn in this regard.


  • Ml Muhammad Umar Palanpuri رحمه الله would say that the media has convinced us of their power, whereas in reality, even the atom bomb cannot harm, without the permission of Allah.


  • The need for a muslih and the incidents of Abdullah bin Masood رضي الله عنه and Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه  in this regard.


  • Just as we crave delicious food, so too should we crave acts of Ibaadat.


  • The Qur’anic prescription is to Forgive, Forget, and Favour the one who does harm to us, and the incident of Ali bin Husayn in this regard.