How To Secure The Protection Of Allah

10 August, 2023

Series: Islaahi Majlis

How To Secure The Protection Of Allah
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  • Allah will give to us that which we give to Him. Protect the commandments of Allah, and He will protect you.


  • A person who passes the entire day with safety and good health is in reality a living miracle.


  • Safety measures to deter the thief of nafs and shaytaan. Regular correspondence with one’s Sheikh keeps nafs and shaytaan in check.


  • Violating the rights of people by taking their picture without consent and the prohibition of describing a woman’s beauty to strange men.


  • The recipe to draw Rahmat into the home as outlined in The Qur’an.


  • Makaatib and Madaaris have no maximum age restriction. The desire of Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم for every person to memorise Surah Yaseen.