Recognise The Supreme Majesty And Greatness Of Allah

13 July, 2023

Series: Islaahi Majlis

Recognise The Supreme Majesty And Greatness Of Allah
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  • We have become so concerned with what people will say about us. We should instead, worry about what Allah will say – The bride is not concerned about the praise of anyone besides her husband.


  • Our existence in this world is between two stages of total weakness and insignificance. Our beginning was from a filthy drop, and our end will be decaying flesh and bones. How then, can we ever develop pride and haughtiness?


  • The entire universe will remain in existence and continue to operate smoothly, due to the name of Allah being taken in the world. If we will take the name of Allah daily, He will cause our lives to also run smoothly.


  • The daily documentary of Allah – sunrise brings about life and movement, and sunset brings about peace and stillness.


  • The hearts of the friends of Allah are mines of the love and recognition of Allah.


  • The most important quality to seek in a spouse is that he is not quick to become angry.


  • Anger has to be treated from childhood. Children also have a nafs which has to be disciplined.