The Ummah Will Remain In Strife As Long As Open Sinning Continues

30 May, 2024

Series: Islaahi Majlis

The Ummah Will Remain In Strife As Long As Open Sinning Continues
Audio Download
  • Ignorance is not an excuse in Shariah.


  • The deceptive and treacherous nature of illicit love.


  • Explanation of the meaning of ‘fasaad’ as mentioned by Mf Shafee Sb رحمه الله.


  • Open sin is the primary cause for tribulations affecting us individually and collectively._


  • The striking effect that Salaah has on the heart of a disbeliever.


  • True life is the life taught to us by Nabi عليه السلام.


  • Shocking incident of a young Shia agent attending the Majlis of a buzrug.


  • Istighfaar will keep our heads above the water.