The Value System Of Islam

1 June, 2023

Series: Islaahi Majlis

The Value System Of Islam
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  • Islam has its own value system. Those things which are attached to Allah, The Most High (العلي) are valuable for a believer. The things of this world which the west attach value to, in reality have no value, and according to the Hadith, are accursed in the eyes of Allah.


  • The benefit of the companionship of the friends of Allah, in combating the malady of anger.
    It is said that a friend is kind and helpful to his friends friends. ie: Allah will show kindness to the friends of the friends of Allah.


  • The need for the men who are the leaders of the home, to have concern for the Deeni progress of their wives and children.
    As we look after the worldly interests of our wives and families, more so should we look after their Deeni affairs.