
The Signs That Shariat Has Become Tabiat

From amongst the signs that Shariah has become one’s Tabiat (Natural Disposition) is:

One was performing five daily Salaah, but now one becomes restless and eager to carry out acts of obedience.

Just as one craves for and enjoys delicious food, he now craves for and enjoys ibaadat.

It becomes easy to get up for Tahajjud. His love for Allah propels him to wake up. A slight fever, tiredness, or the thought of the activities of the day ahead, do not hold him back. He awakens at night, taking into consideration his health and free time.

This is the effect of eating delicious food, making shukr for it, and using it to increase one’s love for Allah Ta’ala. What does one’s intelligence propel him to do after eating delicious food? It is only natural that one now takes relish in spiritual food and good actions, out of gratitude to Allah Ta’ala.

Extracted from a Majlis of Hz Moulana Yusuf Gundiwalla Saheb دامت بركاته